Not one qualified to discuss theology, I beg permission to enter a note as an outsider-observer informed by purely temporal matters be they perceived to be in the nature of gain or loss.

It seems to me the legal analogy to St. John Henry Newman’s idea of the “development of doctrine”, deeply rooted in the classical tradition, makes possible the adoption of a retrospective and prospective study of the development of political thoughts in western civilization.

Since time zero A.D., revolutions came, revolutions went, while not a whole lot has changed in the material lives of people on the dimensions of need-fulfillment and morals and ethics that MUST exist to proscribe conduct and behaviors inimical to both.

This has resulted in, by 2024, the erosion, among other things, of the respect given to US' Constitution and its interpretation as an instrument to assist benevolent governance of “more” of the people, not “fewer” of the people.

In short, it is a good thing the Chief Justice and the Catholic Bishops rhyme.

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I found the Bishops' submission to be between partially and mostly okay UNTIL I got to then end and they started playing games when describing restraining orders and completely left out of the picture the biggest criticism and perhaps most important consideration regarding said proceedings' ability to infringe: in most states they are done ex parte.

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